Artist Manifesto:

Bitsy is a very abstract game engine meant for mostly text-based stories. I wanted to try to still present a basic story while also having a short puzzle game to go along with it. The game is about a series of "battles" that take place in three locations: A canyon, and forest, and a town. You control a small armored vehicle taking on other vehicles. You only have 3 shots to use up, and if you try to attack without ammo, you'll lose. In addition to keeping track of ammo, there are collectible "troops" in each zone that you can rescue to give you tidbits about what's going on, along with tips on how to save everyone. While simply making it to the end isn't super difficult, making it to the end while rescuing all three troops will require careful ammo management. The ending will also have an extra line or two depending on how many troops you save.

Two Variables (Ammo, rescuedTroops)

Branching Dialogs (Ending, engaging tanks, last saved troops)

Animations (Your tank, enemy tank, lost soldiers, home base)

Unique Tiles (Three rocks, two trees, two buildings)

Unique Colors (A new two-color scheme for each location)

Made withbitsy

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